EASA Expert Group: digitalization, AI, and societal impact

Published: December 19, 2022
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Klaus Mainzer (President)

Prof. Dr. Marco Aiello; VIPhD, MBA, Thomas Beyer II; Prof. Dr. Humberto Bustince, VI;Prof. Dr. Carlucci Aiello Luigia, VI; Prof. Tiziana Catarci, VI; Prof. Dr. C.L. Phillip Chen, VI; Prof. Dr.hab. Krzysztof Cios, VI; Prof. Ophir Frieder, VI; Prof. Giovanna Guidoboni PhD, VI; Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulrich Hemel, VII; Prof. Dr. Peter Herrmann, V; Prof. Dr Sabine T. Köszegi, V; Prof. Georgios Kouroupetroglou, VI;Prof. Ioannis Liritzis, IV; Prof. Gilles Lubineau, VI; Prof. Elpida Keravou-Papailiou;Prof. Dr. Matilde Santos, VI; Prof. Dr. rer.nat. habil. Jürgen Schmidhuber, VI; Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schölkopf, IV; Prof. Dr. Siegfried Selberherr, VI; Prof. Giancarlo Elia Valori, V; Prof. Kun Yang, VI.



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How to Cite

Group, E. E. (2022). EASA Expert Group: digitalization, AI, and societal impact. Proceedings of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.4081/peasa.7